Friday 11 March 2011

Final 3D Piece!

Short video of my final piece spinning...bit wobbly as i was trying to blow it round as i recorded!

Really pleased with how my final piece has turned out. I like how it catches the light and produces shadow as it spins. Went for a main peice hanging down the middle with various sized smaller pieces hanging at different heights from the metal ring. Really like the individual shapes of each piece and how they work together to create an overall shape.

Was really tricky consructing my piece. The main problem was trying to attch the metal ring so it hung level with the main piece central. Spent quite a while messing with the lengths of fishing wire to get it level. Ended up having to hang it from the light fitting in my living room to put it all together...sure my mum loved me for that!

(in the process)

All so had problems photographing it as it tends to slowly spin on its i'd just get a shot that i liked and by the time pressed the shutter it had moved! Highly annoying!
Overall i think my final piece is a goood outcome to all my experimenting and preperation work and i think it works well with my idea of repeating waves.

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