Wednesday 9 February 2011

Initial Experimentation

I started off by experimenting with how i could manipulate the paper, mainly using a scalpel to cut and score the paper to create tabs and folds.

I firstly made this simple piece using a scalpel to cut small tab holes. I then bent a strip of paper alternatly to each side. I tried to vary the length of the strips so each loop wouldn't become the same size. This stopped the piece looking semetrical.

The second piece i made using a kind of weaving technique. It created a shape that reminded me firstly of a straw basket. At a closer look it started to remind me of a built structure such as and arch or building. I will look further into unusual shaped buildings and how i could take inspiration from these shapes in my work.

I then created a piece using different length strips each creating a loop. When produced in a sequence along one piece of paper this technique appears to curve across the page like a wave. This made me want to research into natural forms that create intresting repeating shapes.

I tried to photograph the pieces from different angles using good lighting that created shadows and showed the form of the pieces well.
 I really liked this piece and decided to expand on it further.

I used the same technique but made the slots vertical to the strip as apposed to horizontal as before. This gave a twist to each strip as it went round into a loop. The smallest strips wer to small to make into a loop but i like the effect it has created it looks even more like a wave.

I then played about with these to pieces twisting and curving them into different shapes. I found they looked good pulled round into a circle with both ends touching. I had to figure out a way of connecting both ends without using any sort of adhesive. I experimented with a few ways and found that if the first strip and the last strip of the page were at the same height on the page and over lapped when the page was pulled round into a circle then they could go through the same slot...therefore keeping the paper in place.

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